A Spirited Run-Up to the 2023 Zimbabwe General Elections: Twitter-Induced Momentum for Voter Registration Campaigns, Voting and Opposition Politics Dilemmas

A Spirited Run-Up to the 2023 Zimbabwe General Elections: Twitter-Induced Momentum for Voter Registration Campaigns, Voting and Opposition Politics Dilemmas

Author: Tapiwanashe Hadzizi

Edited by Elena Craven


Conflicting claims have been proffered in the public discourse concerning the efficiency of social media in relation to its impact in political processes in the African context. Due to modernization, Zimbabweans have become digital citizens using social media for political engagement and participation. This paper explores how different actors are utilizing Twitter in promoting voter registration and essence of voting as the 2023 general elections are fast approaching. It further examines the challenges opposition politics face in the context of democratization and the efforts of the ruling party to hold on to power beyond 2023 general elections. To this end, an extensive digital ethnographic inquiry was conducted in unpacking the aforementioned political issues.

Keywords: Governance, Voting, Online politics, twitter, authoritarian regime

How to cite this document:

Hadzizi, T. (2022). A spirited run-up to the 2023 Zimbabwe General Elections: Twitter-induced momentum for Voter Registration Campaigns, Voting and Opposition Politics Dilemmas.

Date of Publishing: 24th April, 2022.

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